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UFC 20

UFC 20

Battle for the Gold

Battle for the Gold
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UFC 20: Battle for the Gold

Fight Card

  • Bas Rutten

    Bas Rutten vs Kevin Randleman

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 3
    Time 3:00
    Method S-DEC
  • Pedro Rizzo

    Pedro Rizzo vs Tra Telligman

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 4:30
    Method KO/TKO
  • Pete Williams

    Pete Williams vs Travis Fulton

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 6:28
    Method SUB
  • Wanderlei Silva

    Wanderlei Silva vs Tony Petarra

    Middleweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 2:53
    Method KO/TKO
  • Marcelo Mello

    Marcelo Mello vs David Roberts

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 1:23
    Method KO/TKO
  • Laverne Clark

    Laverne Clark vs Fabiano Iha

    Lightweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 1:21
    Method KO/TKO
  • Ron Waterman

    Ron Waterman vs Chris Condo

    Heavyweight Bout

    Round 1
    Time 0:28
    Method KO/TKO

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